Satellite Internet

Satellite internet is a relatively new method of internet access that uses satellites revolving in the earth’s orbit to provide internet on land. Unlike traditional internet which can be accessed directly by our mobiles, satellite internet requires a dish to be installed at the location where the internet has to be accessed. Firstly, ground stations relay the internet to the satellites which then divert the internet to the receiver dishes, which then transmit the received signals to the router and can ultimately be accessed by electronic devices like mobiles and laptops.

Advantages of Satellite internet

  • Coverage and Accessibility: Satellite internet can be made available in any corner of the world and even in areas where there is no internet facility or poor signals, for example, oceans and forests. It can also be accessed in rural areas and villages.
  • Wireless medium: It is a wireless way of using the internet and hence requires no cables or wires.
  • Reliability: Unlike other methods where the internet may disconnect or slow down due to certain issues, satellite internet is much more reliable and faces very less signal outages.

Disadvantages of Satellite internet

  • Speed: Satellite internet is comparatively slower than cable internet and has a fixed data cap due to signal latency. As technology is still developing, the internet speed is expected to rise over the recent years.
  • Expensive: Satellite internet is expensive and is difficult to set up initially as it requires the use of satellites.

Satellite and Fibre Internet

Over the years, the technology has evolved and improved a lot. With more and more apps and facilities being released every now and then, the need for faster and better mediums of internet access has become a major problem. Addressing this need, two emerging mediums, Satellite and Fibre internet, have risen to the forefront, each offering unique advantages and disadvantages for consumers worldwide.

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Satellite Internet

Satellite internet is a relatively new method of internet access that uses satellites revolving in the earth’s orbit to provide internet on land. Unlike traditional internet which can be accessed directly by our mobiles, satellite internet requires a dish to be installed at the location where the internet has to be accessed. Firstly, ground stations relay the internet to the satellites which then divert the internet to the receiver dishes, which then transmit the received signals to the router and can ultimately be accessed by electronic devices like mobiles and laptops....

Fibre Internet

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In conclusion, both satellite and fiber internet are viable options for customers who require fast and reliable internet. Satellite internet is best suited for those residing in remote areas where wired internet is not available, while fiber internet is ideal for those who require the fastest speeds possible....

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1: What makes satellite internet a suitable choice for remote areas?...