Selenium Accessors

Selenium accessors are used to examine or extract records from internet elements. They aren’t instructions that perform moves however rather retrieve statistics from the internet page. Some commonplace Selenium accessors encompass:

  1. getText(): Retrieves the text content material of an internet element, consisting of a paragraph or heading.
  2. GetAttribute(): Retrieves the cost of a special attribute of an internet element, just like the “href” characteristic of a link.
  3. GetLocation(): Gets the coordinates (X and Y) of the pinnacle-left nook of a web detail.
  4. GetSize(): Retrieves the width and height of a web element.
  5. IsDisplayed(): Checks if a web detail is seen on the web page.
  6. IsEnabled(): Checks if a web element is enabled or interactable.
  7. IsSelected(): Checks if a checkbox or radio button is chosen.

What is an Accessor in Selenium?

Selenium is an open-source framework for automating web browsers. It allows you to programmatically interact with web pages, simulate user actions, and perform various tasks on web applications automatically.

Table of Content

  • Selenium Accessors
  • Locators in Selenium
  • Selenium Commands
  • Selenium Resources
  • Advantage of using Selenium Tools
  • Disadvantages of Using Selenium Accessors
  • Conclusion

Selenium is widely used for web testing, web scraping, and automating repetitive web-related tasks. This article focuses on discussing Accessor in Selenium.

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Selenium Accessors

Selenium accessors are used to examine or extract records from internet elements. They aren’t instructions that perform moves however rather retrieve statistics from the internet page. Some commonplace Selenium accessors encompass:...

Locators in Selenium

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Selenium Commands

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Selenium Resources

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Advantage of using Selenium Tools

Automation testing: Selenium allows you to automate interactions with web elements, which is important for regression testing, functional testing, and ensuring the reliability of web applications.Cross-browser testing: Selenium supports multiple web browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. This cross-browser compatibility ensures that your web application works consistently across browsers.Platform independence: Selenium is available in a variety of programming languages ​​(e.g. Java, Python, C#), which allow for platform-independence. You can write Selenium scripts in the language of your choice.Integration: Selenium can be integrated with various test frameworks and continuous integration tools, such as JUnit, TestNG, Jenkins, and more.Extensibility: Selenium can be extended with custom functions and libraries to meet specific testing needs and perform complex tasks on web resources....

Disadvantages of Using Selenium Accessors

Flakiness: Selenium checks may be flaky, which means they may fail intermittently because of elements like web page loading times, dynamic content material, or detail locators that exchange regularly.Complex Locators: Writing robust and maintainable locators may be tough, in particular whilst managing complex net applications. Fragile locators can lead to test script disasters.Slow Execution: Selenium checks may be slower than other varieties of testing, as they involve interactions with web pages, together with page loads and waits for factors to seem.No GUI Interaction: Selenium checks interact with web factors on the code degree, so that they cannot validate graphical components or carry out visual checking out. Additional gear may be required for visual validation.Maintenance Overhead: Web programs are difficulty to modifications in layout and capability, that can result in frequent updates to Selenium scripts to accommodate these modifications.Learning Curve: Selenium requires a learning curve, particularly for novices who may also need time to understand the device’s functions and nice practices....


In conclusion, an “accessor” in Selenium refers to a method or feature that is used to retrieve or examine facts from web elements on an internet page. Accessors do no longer perform movements or interactions however as a substitute offer a way to extract statistics or attributes from those elements....