State Management Patterns

1. Event Sourcing:

Events are the main source of information in this pattern. The application’s state is built by replaying these events. This allows us to have a complete record of all the actions that happened in the system.

The diagram showcases Event Sourcing, where events are stored and used to reconstruct the application’s state. It provides a historical view of all actions, facilitating data consistency.

2. CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation):

CQRS separates the operations that change the state of the application from the ones that retrieve information. This allows us to optimize for performance and scale the different parts of our application independently.

The diagram illustrates CQRS, which divides command and query responsibilities. This separation optimizes performance and scalability by enabling independent scaling of components.

Event-Driven Architecture Patterns in Cloud Native Applications

Cloud Native Applications are a new way of building software that takes advantage of the cloud and uses smaller, more focused pieces called microservices. Design patterns are important for building these applications because they provide guidelines and examples on how to solve common problems. In this article, we will focus on Event-Driven Architecture Patterns, which are patterns that help us build applications that can handle events in real time.

Important Topics for Event-Driven Architecture Patterns

  • Event-Driven Architecture Patterns
  • Event-Delivery Patterns
  • State Management Patterns
  • Orchestration Patterns
  • Technologies for Event-Driven Architecture
  • Testing
  • Security
  • Observability and Monitoring
  • DevOps
  • Conclusion

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