Steps To Prevent Soil Erosion in Hilly Areas

Soil erosion refers to the destruction which is caused by the soil cover and the processes of soil formation as well as wind-water are induced by erosion take place simultaneously. Overgrazing and relocating agriculture have harmed the natural cover of land and also in soil significantly. The methods are listed below:


Forests play an important role in the fight against soil erosion. Forest canopies absorb the erosion force of raindrops, while forest floors protect the soil and help absorb more rainwater, reducing runoff. Afforestation of economic farms should be carried out on contour shelves, taking into account the peculiarities of the terrain.

Crop Rotation

Fields remain bare between harvesting one crop and sowing the next. There are periods when crops are not available on farmland. During this period, farmers grow grass or other crops to prevent soil erosion. This helps the soil recover lost minerals.

Terrace Farming  

In hilly areas, farming is done by cutting stairs on the mountain slope. This slows the flow of water and the soil removed in one stage settles in the next. So the soil is not completely lost. 

River and Landslide Correction

River erosion problems are exacerbated in the foothills of the northern Himalayas and the northeastern Himalayas. A major cause of the problem is the reduced ability to transport runoff and sediment due to high runoff from mountain slopes with heavy silt filling the channel bottom.

Landslides provide adequate drainage and can be controlled using barrier dams, building retaining walls, etc. made of rocks, masonry, and living plants.   All of these actions require engineering skills and are expensive. Immediately after the skid zone is stabilized by engineering measures, active efforts should be made to cover the surface with permanent vegetation, including fast-growing suitable trees.

Stone Terracing of Hill Slopes

Steep slopes when put under cultivation are subject to severe erosion, with every rain the topsoil is washed away at an accelerated rate. In such areas, if stones are available in plenty, the construction of stone walls across the slope will help in conserving soil.

These stone walls, known as stone terraces, are small embankments constructed with stones across the hill slope and these can be adopted on any slope where stones are available in plenty at the spot. A large area of ​​the Mukunda (Orissa) basin is covered with stone terraces and based on our experience, we recommend the following stone terrace specifications:   Section can be 0.5 m2 depending on the depth of the foundation. If the slope increases by more than 10%, it is better to give a foundation of 30cm instead of 15cm, and the level of the stone fault should be done using the  Dumpy level or Abney level. Terraces should be given a longitudinal slope of 0.2 to 0.3 m per 100 m towards the outlet or storm sewer.

What steps can be taken to control soil erosion in the hilly areas?

Some of the important steps which can be taken for controlling soil erosion in hilly areas would include contour terracing, contour bunding, reputed forestry, cover cropping, crop rotation, and mixed farming. Soil erosion is a natural process that is caused by numerous reasons like human activities, animal grazing, deforestation and has a serious issue for Indian agriculture and has negative connotations.

Soil erosion is a natural process in which topsoil is displaced by physical sources such as wind and water. In the process,  soil particles are loosened or washed out into valleys, seas, rivers, streams, or distant lands. Human activities such as agriculture and deforestation are exacerbating the situation. Soil erosion is a continuous process that occurs slowly or at an alarming rate. This leads to permanent loss of topsoil, environmental degradation, and soil collapse. 

Steps Taken to Control Soil Erosion in Hilly Area

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. What are the methods of soil conservation in hilly areas?...