Subsystems of AWS Ecosystem

A closer look reveals that the AWS ecosystem is divided into three different subsystems

AWS Computing Services

In addition to the more than 25 AWS services it now offers, as was already mentioned, Amazon is constantly adding new ones. Throughout the course of this book, you will learn about many of the several cloud computing services that AWS offers.

Third-Party Integration

These services typically include functionality that lets you create applications of a type that AWS does not specifically provide. The AWS service doesn’t support many billing use cases, such as user-specific discounts based on the size of the organization.

PaaS and SaaS Compatibility

The Amazon Marketplace is your go-to location for finding AWS-enabled applications since Amazon is constantly working to make it easier to find and integrate third-party services into your application. Additionally, being a part of the Marketplace suggests that AWS has approved the application, giving you more assurance when using a Marketplace application.

Amazon Web Services Ecosystem

Pre-requisite: Amazon Web Service

Amazon Web Services is a cloud computing service that makes it easy to build scalable and reliable applications, websites, and services. It makes it easy for businesses to develop, deploy and extend their software, as well as store data. It includes a suite of computing, storage, and database services that are distributed across multiple data centers.

Users may actually find almost everything they require inside of AWS to build almost any application they may wish to use. These services are accessible through the AWS ecosystem, which includes those provided by third parties and Amazon partners who host their services on AWS. AWS can be compared to a modern-day bazaar because it offers an exceptionally wide range of computing capabilities to both those who choose to set up shop there and those who prefer to buy the goods being sold.

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