The get() Method

The get() method is a specialised querying technique in Django’s QuerySets this is used to retrieve a single item from the database that matches positive standards. It is specially beneficial whilst you anticipate best one result, and it has some wonderful characteristics:

  • Returns a Single Object: The get() technique returns exactly one item that matches the desired query situations. If more than one gadgets meet the criteria or no objects are determined, Django raises a ‘MultipleObjectsReturned’ or ‘DoesNotExist’ exception, respectively.
  • Exception Handling: It is vital to deal with exceptions while the use of the get() approach, as they are raised in cases in which the query conditions do no longer suit any objects or while a couple of items suit. Proper exception handling ensures that your utility behaves gracefully even when unexpected situations occur.

Basic Usage

The basic syntax for using the get() method is as follows:


Here, Model refers to the Django model you want to question, and kwargs are keyword arguments that outline the query situations. These conditions are used to filter out the items in the database, and the get() approach returns the unmarried object that matches these conditions.

Let’s do not forget an instance wherein you have a Django version referred to as Book with fields like ‘name’, ‘author’, and ‘published_year’. To retrieve a particular book through its title, you can use the get() technique as follows:

Using get() method to fetch data

In this example, we attempt to retrieve a book with the title “The Great Gatsby”. If a book with this title exists, the book variable will contain the retrieved object. If no book matches the query, a ‘Book.DoesNotExist’ exception is raised, which we handle gracefully. Similarly, if multiple books have the same title, a ‘Book.MultipleObjectsReturned’ exception is raised.


from myapp.models import Book
    book = Book.objects.get(title='The Great Gatsby')
    # Do something with the retrieved book object
except Book.DoesNotExist:
    # Handle the case where no matching book was found
except Book.MultipleObjectsReturned:
    # Handle the case where multiple books match the query

Using AND with get() method

You can use multiple query conditions when using the get() method to narrow down your search. For instance, if you want to retrieve a book by both title and author, you can do so like this.Django combines the conditions using an AND operation, so only the book that matches both the title and author will be returned.


    book = Book.objects.get(title='The Great Gatsby',
                            author='F. Scott Fitzgerald')
    # Do something with the retrieved book object
except Book.DoesNotExist:
    # Handle the case where no matching book was found
except Book.MultipleObjectsReturned:
    # Handle the case where multiple books match the query

Django Query Set – get

QuerySet represents a cluster of data in the database. It helps us to slice out the data that we actually need. It is an efficient way to access the data, as it does not perform any database activity until we do something to evaluate the QuerySet.In this article we will look at the Django Query Set – get() method.

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The get() Method

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