The implication of Lord Curzon Policy

1. Increase In Nationalist Sentiments:

Curzon’s policies arose nationalist sentiments among Indians. The role of the extremists came to the fore after Curzon’s departure. The partition of Bengal started a mass movement in Bengal and throughout the country and the anti-partition movement, Swadeshi movement and Vande Mataram movement were all effects of Curzon’s policies.

2. Birth of Divide and Rule policy:

Curzon believed in communal politics. It was Curzon who initiated the policy of division to rule over the territory of India. He turned Muslim leaders against Congress leaders to divide the country, but this gave force to the movement by making the Indians aware of the British’s actual intention.

3. Rise of Extremism:

Lord Curzon’s policies led to the rise of extremism in the Indian National Congress. Leaders like Dadabhai Naoroji dominated the congress before Curzon’s arrival but later extremist leaders came to the fore of the national movement. However, Curzon’s strict policies strengthened the ideology of leaders like Tilak, Lala Lajpat Rai, and others who played an important role in the freedom struggle.

4.  Indians diaspora support:

Curzon’s policies have almost alienated his sympathetic Indians from the British government. Curzon’s policies exposed the true nature of the British to Indians and helped India gain the support of the diaspora.

5. Renaissance of Indian Culture:

Curzon’s policies made Indians proud of their rich heritage and culture, and the inferiority complex of Indians was greatly reduced. They now realized the superiority of the  Indian culture over the western culture. The Archaeological Survey of India was established to revive the pride of India.

6. Awakening of the nationalist movement:

Lord Curzon’s policies exposed their true nature and compelled Indians to take steps to drive the British out of India. It strengthened the nationalist feelings of the Indians, and the request for swaraj became more intense.

7. Step towards self-reliant India:

Indians boycotted the schools and colleges during the partition of Bengal. Many factories, schools, and colleges were also opened in some places by different people. The university act also led to technological up-gradation of the education system. Such a step gave Indians the confidence to be self-reliant. 

Finally, we can conclude that the reactionary policies of Lord Curzon arose national consciousness among the Indians.

Evaluate The Policies of Lord Curzon

Lord Curzon, the youngest Viceroy, at the age of 39, came to India as the successor of Lord Elgin in the Year 1899. During his time from 1899 to 1905, India was seen as an important period in the history of the freedom struggle. Before his arrival, India witnessed severe economic and political crisis and looking at the situation, there was a dire need for a robust ideological person to control the situation, and Britishers found Lord Curzon to be the appropriate person. Lord Curzon followed a profoundly racist attitude and believed in white man supremacy, and thought Indians to be inferior to the British. He was intolerant towards India’s political purpose. Innumerable policies were implemented during his tenure.

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