Tool 2: Pipal Reporting Tool

This tool is an Open Source Built Ruby for Password analysis. It can be used or come in handy when you are analyzing large password dumps that you used in the process of penetration testing activity. This tool also comes pre-installed with Kali Linux and is found under-reporting tools in the application menu.

To install Pipal use the command:

sudo apt-get install pipal


Usage of Pipal Tool

Step 1: As pipal is a password analyzer I have created a wordlist on the Desktop which consists of different words which we will be analyzing with the pipal tool.


Step 2: Now Go to the terminal and switch the directory where the wordlist is, you can type the command pipal -h to get the helping menu for the pipal tool.

pipal -h


Step 3: Now let’s analyze the wordlist we just created to do so simply type the command in the terminal in the location of the wordlist.

pipal wordlist.txt


In the above image, you can see that we have all the analysis that we could have obtained from the wordlist, in this way you can analyze password lists, wordlists and password dumps also with the pipal tool.

Reporting Tools in Kali Linux

Reporting is one of the very important means in Ethical hacking or pen-testing, you must have heard the term called POC which is proof of concept. when a hacker or pen tester checks a system for loopholes or vulnerabilities then they need to provide an end report to the organization which consists of all the processes of discovering a vulnerability and also fixing it. These reports include all the information about the testing process, Vulnerabilities discovered in the network or system, and with that countermeasures to make it secure/unreachable. reporting is the last step of the ethical hacking process. Linux offers multiple Reporting Tools which helps pen tester to make these reports and process all the steps for making a good pen test report. Tools like Dradis, Pipal, and Metagoofil. let’s understand each of these in detail below.

Reporting Tools in Linux:

  • Tool 1: Dradis Reporting Tool
  • Tool 2: Pipal Reporting Tool
  • Tool 3: Metagoofil Reporting Tool

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