Understanding Pigeonhole Sort

The working of the Pigeonhole Sort algorithm involves the following steps:

  1. Find the minimum and maximum values in the array to determine the range.
  2. Set up an array of empty “pigeonholes” the same size as the range.
  3. Visit each element of the array and put each element in its pigeonhole. An element arr[i] is put in the pigeonhole at index arr[i] - min.
  4. Reinsert the elements from non-empty pigeonholes back into the original array, maintaining the sorted order.

Pigeonhole Sort is similar to counting sort but differs in that it “moves items twice: once to the bucket array and again to the final destination”, whereas counting sort builds an auxiliary array and then uses it to compute each item’s final destination and move the item there.

Pigeonhole Sort is particularly suitable for situations where the number of elements in the array is close to the range of possible key values.

When is Pigeonhole Sort the Best Choice?

Pigeonhole Sort is the best choice when the number of elements in the list is approximately equal to the range of possible key values. In such cases, Pigeonhole Sort demonstrates its efficiency and is often faster in application compared to other sorting algorithms. Additionally, it is a stable sorting algorithm, meaning that the relative order of equal elements is preserved during the sorting process.

Advantages of Pigeonhole Sort:

The advantages of Pigeonhole Sort are as follows:

  1. Non-Comparison Based: Pigeonhole Sort is a non-comparison based sorting algorithm, which makes it faster in application.
  2. Stability: It is a stable sorting algorithm, ensuring that the relative order of equal elements is maintained.
  3. Efficiency: Pigeonhole Sort is very efficient when the range of values in the list is small compared to the number of elements.

Limitations of Pigeonhole Sort:

While Pigeonhole Sort has its advantages, it also has certain limitations:

  1. Range Dependency: Pigeonhole Sort works best when the range of values is small compared to the number of elements. If the range is too large, the algorithm can become inefficient.
  2. Space Complexity: The space complexity of Pigeonhole Sort is directly influenced by the range of possible key values, which can lead to increased storage requirements for larger ranges.


In conclusion, Pigeonhole Sort is a valuable sorting algorithm that excels in scenarios where the number of elements in a list is close to the range of possible key values. Its efficiency, stability, and non-comparison based approach make it a favorable choice for specific types of data sets. However, its dependence on the range of values and potential space complexity issues should be considered when evaluating its suitability for a given application.

In which case pigeonhole sort is best?When is Pigeonhole Sort the Best Choice?Advantages of Pigeonhole Sort:Limitations of Pigeonhole Sort:

Pigeonhole Sort is a sorting algorithm that is suited for sorting lists of elements where the number of elements and the number of possible key values are approximately the same. It is a non-comparison based algorithm and requires O(n + Range) time, where n is the number of elements in the input array and Range is the number of possible values in the array.

Pigeonhole Sort involves setting up an array of empty “pigeonholes” initially, with each pigeonhole representing a key value in the range of possible keys in the original array. Each element of the input array is then placed in its corresponding pigeonhole, and then the elements are reinserted from the non-empty pigeonholes back into the original array.

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Understanding Pigeonhole Sort:

The working of the Pigeonhole Sort algorithm involves the following steps:...