Useful Bitwise Tricks for Competitive Programming

This can be done by left-shifting the value 1 by ‘pos‘ positions (1<< pos) and performing a bitwise OR operation with number n. This operation effectively turns on the bit at the specified position.

// n=number
// pos=It is the position at which we want to set the bit
void set(int & n, int pos)
     n |= (1 << pos);
public class GFG {
    // Function to set a bit at a given position
    // in a number
    static int setBit(int n, int pos)
        return n | (1 << pos);
# n = number
# pos = It is the position at which we want to set the bit
def set_bit(n, pos):
    n |= (1 << pos)
// Function to set a bit at the specified position in an
// integer n: reference to the number pos: the position at
// which the bit should be set
static void Set(ref int n, int pos)
    // Use bitwise left shift (1 << pos) to create a mask
    // with a 1 at the specified position Use bitwise OR
    // assignment (|=) to set the bit at the specified
    // position in the number
    n |= (1 << pos);
// n = number
// pos = It is the position at which we want to set the bit
function set(n, pos) {
    n |= (1 << pos);
//this code is contributed by Adarsh

This can be done by left-shifting the value 1 by pos positions (1<< pos) and then use bitwise NOT operator ‘~’ to unset this shifted 1, making the bit at position pos to 0 and then use Bitwise AND with the number n that will unset bit at desired positoon of number n.

#include <iostream>

// Unset (clear) a bit at position pos in number n
void unset(int &n, int pos) {
    n &= ~(1 << pos);

int main() {
    int n = 15; // 1111 in binary
    int pos = 1;
    unset(n, pos); // Should change n to 13, which is 1101 in binary
    std::cout << n << std::endl; // Output should be 13
    return 0;
public class UnsetBit {
    // Unset (clear) a bit at position pos in number n
    public static int unset(int n, int pos) {
        n &= ~(1 << pos);
        return n;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int n = 15; // 1111 in binary
        int pos = 1;
        n = unset(n, pos); // Should change n to 13, which is 1101 in binary
        System.out.println(n); // Output should be 13
def unset(n, pos):
    n &= ~(1 << pos)
    return n

# Example usage
n = 15  # 1111 in binary
pos = 1
n = unset(n, pos)  # Should change n to 13, which is 1101 in binary
print(n)  # Output should be 13
function unset(n, pos) {
    n &= ~(1 << pos);
    return n;

// Example usage
let n = 15; // 1111 in binary
let pos = 1;
n = unset(n, pos); // Should change n to 13, which is 1101 in binary
console.log(n); // Output should be 13

Use the bitwise XOR (^) operator to toggle (flip) the bit at the given position. If the bit is 0, it becomes 1, and if it’s 1, it becomes 0.

// Flip (toggle) a bit at position pos in number n
void flip(int &n, int pos) {
    n ^= (1 << pos);
// Flip (toggle) a bit at position pos in number n
static void flip(int[] n, int pos) {
    n[0] ^= (1 << pos);
# Flip (toggle) a bit at position pos in number n
def flip_bit(n, pos):
    n ^= (1 << pos)
// Flip (toggle) a bit at position pos in number n
function flip(n, pos) {
    n ^= (1 << pos);
    return n;

This can be done by performing a bitwise AND operation with a mask having only that bit set. If the result is non-zero, the bit is set; otherwise, it’s unset.

// Check if the bit at position pos in number n is set (1) or unset (0)
bool isBitSet(int n, int pos) {
    return ((n & (1 << pos)) != 0);
    static boolean isBitSet(int n, int pos) {
        return ((n & (1 << pos)) != 0);
//This code is contributed by Kishan.
# Check if the bit at position pos in number n is set (1) or unset (0)
def is_bit_set(n, pos):
    return (n & (1 << pos)) != 0

A power of two is a number with only one bit set in its binary representation, while the number just before it has that bit unset and all the following bits set. Consequently, when you perform a bitwise AND operation between a number and its predecessor, the result will always be 0.

// Check if n is a power of two
bool isPowerOfTwo(int n) {
    return  ((n & (n - 1)) == 0);
public class Main {
  // Check if n is a power of two
    public static boolean isPowerOfTwo(int n) {
        return (n != 0) && ((n & (n - 1)) == 0);
# Check if n is a power of two
def is_power_of_two(n):
    return (n & (n - 1)) == 0

Bit Manipulation for Competitive Programming

Bit manipulation is a technique in competitive programming that involves the manipulation of individual bits in binary representations of numbers. It is a valuable technique in competitive programming because it allows you to solve problems efficiently, often reducing time complexity and memory usage.

Table of Content

  • Bitwise Operators
  • Useful Bitwise Tricks for Competitive Programming
  • Prefix Sum and Bit Manipulation Technique
  • Useful Bitwise Equations
  • How to solve Bit Manipulation Problems?
  • Practice Problems on Bit Manipulation

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