What is a Hard Link?

A Hard link acts as a copy (mirrored) of the selected file. It accesses the data available in the original file. If the earlier selected file is deleted, the hard link to the file will still contain the data of that file.

Advantages of Hard Link

  • It makes efficient use of disc space by avoiding the unnecessary creation of record blocks.
  • There is no risk of link breaking as a result of the removal of the actual file(as long as one hard hyperlink survives, the data will persist).
  • The speed of Hard Links is fast.

Limitation of Hard Link

  • Cannot span several file systems.
  • Directories cannot be hyperlinked.

Difference between Hard Link and Soft Link

The file system in Unix-like operating systems, such as Linux and macOS, provides a variety of methods for creating hyperlinks between files and directory paths. These linkages work as suggestions or references to the source file, ensuring the organization of data and enterprise management within the device. In this article, we will discuss the differences between Hard links and Soft Links.

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A Hard link acts as a copy (mirrored) of the selected file. It accesses the data available in the original file. If the earlier selected file is deleted, the hard link to the file will still contain the data of that file....

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Differences Between Hard Link and Soft Link

Comparison Parameters Hard link Soft link Inode number* Files that are hard linked take the same inode number. Files that are soft linked take a different inode number. Directories Hard links are not allowed for directories. (Only a superuser* can do it) Soft links can be used for linking directories. File system It cannot be used across file systems. It can be used across file systems. Data Data present in the original file will still be available in the hard links. Soft links only point to the file name, it does not retain data of the file. Original file’s deletion If the original file is removed, the link will still work as it accesses the data the original was having access to. If the original file is removed, the link will not work as it doesn’t access the original file’s data. Speed Hard links are comparatively faster. Soft links are comparatively slower....

Frequently Asked Question on Hard and Soft Link – FAQs

How can you determine whether a link is hard or soft?...