What is Magna Carta?

Magna Carta established the principle that everyone is equal before the law even the king and law guarantees the rights of individuals. Being fed up with the tyranny of the King John of the United Kingdom​, a rebel group attacked London and captured it. The rebel group forced the king and signed a treaty. This treaty is called the Magna Carta or the Peace Treaty. The word Magna means Great and Carta means Charter or Document. Magna Carta is a Latin word. There were 63 clauses in the Magna Carta. All were written in Latin.

Why Fundamental Rights are called Magna Carta?

In the Indian constitution, part III describes the Fundamental Rights. Fundamental Right is called the Magna Carta of the Indian constitution. The fundamental Right of the Indian Constitution is influenced by the Bill of Rights of the United States of America, which is influenced by the British Magna Carta, signed in 1215 between the British ​ John and the Baron. ​Both the Magna Carta of the UK and the Fundamental Rights of the Indian constitution secure some Rights for their people. Those Rights are the right to liberty of their people, equal Justice for every person, right to free trial, liberty of thought, belief, and expression for every person, abolition of discrimination, and improved​ political rights of the people.

The Reason Why Fundamental Rights are called the Magna Carta of the Indian constitution is that Both Fundamental Rights and the Magna Carta prevent the establishment of despotic and authoritarian rule in the country and protect people against invasion by the state. Both of them establish a Government of Law and not a Law of Men. So, the Fundamental Rights of the Indian constitution are called the Magna Carta.

Table of Content

  • Fundamental rights of the Indian constitution​
  • What is Magna Carta?
  • Clauses of Magna Carta
  • Significance of Magna Carta
  • Why Fundamental Rights are called Magna Carta?

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What is Magna Carta?

Magna Carta established the principle that everyone is equal before the law even the king and law guarantees the rights of individuals. Being fed up with the tyranny of the King John of the United Kingdom​, a rebel group attacked London and captured it. The rebel group forced the king and signed a treaty. This treaty is called the Magna Carta or the Peace Treaty. The word Magna means Great and Carta means Charter or Document. Magna Carta is a Latin word. There were 63 clauses in the Magna Carta. All were written in Latin....

Clauses of Magna Carta

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Significance of Magna Carta

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Why Fundamental Rights are called Magna Carta?

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Conclusion – Why Fundamental Rights are Called Manga Carta

Owing to all these reasons, the fundamental rights of indin constitution are call Magna Carta. Fundamental rights secure liberty and dignity of a person just as Magna Carta secure the liberty and dignity of the people of United Kingdom....

FAQs on Why Fundamental Rights are Called Manga Carta

1. Which part of Indian constitution is called Magna Carta ?...