What is the Server Message Block (SMB)?

Server Message Block protocol is used in computer applications to read and write files and it also requests services from server programs in a computer network. The SMB protocol can be used combined with other network protocols such as TCP/IP. The SMB protocol allows a program (or its user) to access files or other resources on a distant server. This enables apps to read, write, and update files on the remote server. It is also used to carry transaction protocols that enable authorized interprocess communication.

How Does Server Message Block (SMB) Work?

  • The client first sends an SMB request to the server to establish a connection. The server gets this request and returns an SMB response to the client.
  • SMB serves as the basis for Microsoft’s Distributed File System implementation and relies on the TCP and IP protocols for transport.
  • When this response is received, it opens a communication channel.

Network File System (NFS) vs Server Message Block (SMB)

Network File System is a client/server architecture, originally developed for local file sharing among Unix systems, including a client program, a server program, and a protocol to facilitate communication between the client and the server. The Server Message Block is referred to as the response-request protocol. Application-layer computing is where SMB operates (where users interact with software programs). Nevertheless, it sends data over lower network tiers, such as the transport layer (TCP or UDP).

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What is the Server Message Block (SMB)?

Server Message Block protocol is used in computer applications to read and write files and it also requests services from server programs in a computer network. The SMB protocol can be used combined with other network protocols such as TCP/IP. The SMB protocol allows a program (or its user) to access files or other resources on a distant server. This enables apps to read, write, and update files on the remote server. It is also used to carry transaction protocols that enable authorized interprocess communication....

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