When to Choose for Custom Hooks in React

  • Complex Logic Extraction: If your component has complex logic that involves multiple states, side effects, and computations, extracting that logic into a custom hook can make your component code cleaner and more maintainable.
  • Reusability Across Components: When you find yourself duplicating code or logic across different components, consider creating a custom hook. This allows you to encapsulate the logic in one place and reuse it in various parts of your application.
  • Abstraction of Concerns: If you want to abstract away certain concerns, such as handling forms, managing timers, or interfacing with external APIs, into a reusable unit, a custom hook provides a way to encapsulate that functionality.
  • Improving Testability: Custom hooks can improve the testability of your code. By isolating specific functionality in a custom hook, you can write tests for that hook independently of the components using it.
  • Avoiding Prop Drilling: If you find yourself passing down the same state and functions through multiple levels of component hierarchy, a custom hook can help by centralizing the logic and reducing prop drilling.
  • Encapsulation of Side Effects: If you have side effects (e.g., data fetching, subscriptions, or interactions with external services), placing them in a custom hook allows you to encapsulate and manage those side effects separately from your components.

When is it best to use custom hooks instead of built-in React hooks?

Custom hooks in React are useful when you want to extract and reuse stateful logic across multiple components. While built-in React hooks like useState, useEffect, and useContext cover many common scenarios, there are cases where creating custom hooks can enhance code organization, readability, and reusability.

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When to Choose for Custom Hooks in React:

Complex Logic Extraction: If your component has complex logic that involves multiple states, side effects, and computations, extracting that logic into a custom hook can make your component code cleaner and more maintainable. Reusability Across Components: When you find yourself duplicating code or logic across different components, consider creating a custom hook. This allows you to encapsulate the logic in one place and reuse it in various parts of your application. Abstraction of Concerns: If you want to abstract away certain concerns, such as handling forms, managing timers, or interfacing with external APIs, into a reusable unit, a custom hook provides a way to encapsulate that functionality. Improving Testability: Custom hooks can improve the testability of your code. By isolating specific functionality in a custom hook, you can write tests for that hook independently of the components using it. Avoiding Prop Drilling: If you find yourself passing down the same state and functions through multiple levels of component hierarchy, a custom hook can help by centralizing the logic and reducing prop drilling. Encapsulation of Side Effects: If you have side effects (e.g., data fetching, subscriptions, or interactions with external services), placing them in a custom hook allows you to encapsulate and manage those side effects separately from your components....