Why We Should Start Google Chrome From The Command Line?

Most programmers use the command line in Linux to open and manage various software the GUI or graphical user interface may not provide this feature whenever we are using the command line to start a program we can give it instructions or certain parameters to change the behavior of the software so to gain specific requirements we might use the Google Chrome from the command line in Linux operating system.

Apart from all of this, the terminal can be used to open the Google Chrome browser in a much faster way because sometimes the GUI makes it stuck or the user may find it difficult to find the icon of Google Chrome and open it manually and if you are using the Linux command line then we can see all the errors which the browser is managing and handling in the back end using the terminal wear from the initialized Google Chrome so it also becomes helpful to tackle errors of any browser or software that we are running using the command line.

Open Google Chrome From The Linux Command Line

Google Chrome is known as the most used and widely popular web browser because of its fast and better performance. In this article we will learn how we can open the Google Chrome application by using the terminal in Linux along with this we will also look at some you should command line switches to help you to start using the Google Chrome browser in Linux.

As all of us are aware making sure that we use the command line while using the Linux operating system is very important because all the work that occurs in the Linux platform is mostly based on the command line. The command line is Something that provides us with an environment that is text-based rather than providing us with a GUI which means that the command time can be used to manage tasks more efficiently and also have direct control over the Linux operating system.

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Why We Should Start Google Chrome From The Command Line?

Most programmers use the command line in Linux to open and manage various software the GUI or graphical user interface may not provide this feature whenever we are using the command line to start a program we can give it instructions or certain parameters to change the behavior of the software so to gain specific requirements we might use the Google Chrome from the command line in Linux operating system....

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Google chrome is one of the best cutting edge browser that we can use in order to enhance our browsing experience, we can use the terminal or command line of the linux and other debian based systems to use the google chrome browser and perform basic tasks such as opening the google chrome, opening specific websites using the chrome browser among other advanced options as well. using the command line can be a great way to achieve a more faster and efficient browsing for both the developer and the user as the GUI interfaces take more time than using the terminal....