Worksheet on Equal and Equivalent Sets

Q1: Are the sets k = {x : x2 = 4} and l = {2, -2} Equal ?

Q2: C= {natural number} and D = {whole numbers} Are they Equivalent?

Q3: Is the Following set Equal or Equivalent: A= {Colours of the rainbow}, B = {Red orange, yellow, green, blue indigo violet}?

Q4: Are the sets O= {x : x Is a positive divisor of 6} and P = {1, 2, 3, 6} Equal ?

Q5: Are the sets U = {x : x = y2, y ∊ {1,3, 5} } and V = {1, 9, 25} Equal ?

Q6: Are the sets {H, E, L, O} and B= {3,7,8,9,10} Equivalent?

Q7: {pumpkin, papaya, peas, pigeon} and {2,3,5,7,9} Equivalent?

Q8: State true or false: All Equal sets are Equivalent.

Q9: State the cardinal number of set: {x : x<10, x ∊ N }

Q10: Are the sets M = {x : x is a prime number less than 20} and N = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19} Equivalent?

Worksheet on Equal and Equivalent Sets

Equal and Equivalent sets are two types of sets based on the elements present in them. This article provides worksheet on equal and equivalent set to practice question that need to be solved before appearing in exams. This article also has important concept and solved examples that students should go through to get an idea how to solve worksheet on equal and equivalent sets.

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