Preorder vs Inorder vs Postorder





Visit Order

Root, Left Subtree, Right Subtree

Left Subtree, Root, Right Subtree

Left Subtree, Right Subtree, Root

Sorted Order (BST)




Expression Tree

Prefix (Polish) Notation

Infix (Standard) Notation

Postfix (Reverse Polish) Notation

Evaluation Order

Operators come before operands

Operators come between operands

Operators come after operands

Memory Usage

No additional memory for tracking traversal, stack space for recursion/iteration

No additional memory for tracking traversal, stack space for recursion/iteration

No additional memory for tracking traversal, stack space for recursion/iteration

Left-Right Symmetry

Not symmetric


Not symmetric


Constructing expression trees, cloning/copying trees, prefix notation

In-order traversal of BST for sorted order, expression evaluation

Deleting nodes in binary trees, post-fix notation, expression evaluation


Better for copying/cloning trees, prefix notation

Suitable for sorting BST elements, expression evaluation

Suitable for deleting nodes, post-fix notation, expression evaluation

Tree Modification

Easy to copy/cloning, preserving original structure

Not ideal for modification

Difficult for modification, requires reversing

Preorder vs Inorder vs Postorder

In Preorder Traversal, the root node is visited first, followed by the left and right subtrees. Inorder Traversal starts with the left subtree, visits the root, and then the right subtree, often used in binary search trees. Postorder Traversal begins with the left subtree, moves to the right subtree, and visits the root last, useful for deleting nodes. In this article, we will discuss the Tree Traversal Techniques used in data structure and algorithms with their differences.

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Preorder vs Inorder vs Postorder:

Attribute Pre-order In-order Post-order Visit Order Root, Left Subtree, Right Subtree Left Subtree, Root, Right Subtree Left Subtree, Right Subtree, Root Sorted Order (BST) No Yes Yes Expression Tree Prefix (Polish) Notation Infix (Standard) Notation Postfix (Reverse Polish) Notation Evaluation Order Operators come before operands Operators come between operands Operators come after operands Memory Usage No additional memory for tracking traversal, stack space for recursion/iteration No additional memory for tracking traversal, stack space for recursion/iteration No additional memory for tracking traversal, stack space for recursion/iteration Left-Right Symmetry Not symmetric Symmetric Not symmetric Application Constructing expression trees, cloning/copying trees, prefix notation In-order traversal of BST for sorted order, expression evaluation Deleting nodes in binary trees, post-fix notation, expression evaluation Performance Better for copying/cloning trees, prefix notation Suitable for sorting BST elements, expression evaluation Suitable for deleting nodes, post-fix notation, expression evaluation Tree Modification Easy to copy/cloning, preserving original structure Not ideal for modification Difficult for modification, requires reversing...