Test Templates

A test template is a predefined format for writing test cases or test methods, similar to what a software engineer would use. Test templates simplify the test writing process. It promotes similarity and effectiveness across various test cases in a project.

Here are some frequently used JUnit 5 test templates:

  • JUnit Jupiter Test Template: It is used to develop a simple JUnit Jupiter test method. It often includes annotations such as @Test and assertions to validate the behavior of the code under test.
  • Parameterized Test Template: It often includes annotations such as @ParameterizedTest and provides placeholders for specifying the parameters.
  • Repeated Test Template: It often includes annotations such as @RepeatedTest and provides placeholders for specifying the repetition count.
  • Test Lifecycle Template: It often includes annotations such as @BeforeEach and @AfterEach.
  • Test Case Template: It frequently uses annotations such as @Nested to define nested test classes.
  • Assertions Template: It often includes assertion methods such as Assertions.assertEquals and provides placeholders for providing the expected and actual values.

By considering the example of a calculator, we will discover how test templates help to write test cases effectively. Here we will write 5 to 6 test cases, but when we have to write a test for large projects, a test template will save our work pressure.

JUnit 5 – Eclipse Test Templates

JUnit 5 simplifies the process of writing and executing test cases in Java applications. It offers enhanced support for modern Java features, increased extensibility, and a testing API that is more flexible and expressive.

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