What is Crunch?

Crunch is a wordlist that generates a utility used to create a wordlist using numbers, letters, and symbols. Mostly Hackers, Penetration testers use this tool to create passwords. The crunch comes pre-installed In Kali Linux.

Step To Create Custom Wordlists Using Crunch in Kali Linux

Step 1: Installation 

For Installation purposes run the following command on Terminal:-

sudo apt install crunch


Step 2:  Creating Wordlist 

For creating a custom wordlist using crunch run this command on your terminal

crunch 3 6 0123456789

Explanation of this command:

crunch <min> <max> <charset> 

  • min: It is the minimum password length. 
  • max: It is the maximum password length.
  • charset: Character se to be used.


Step 3: Creating Wordlist in a text file.

If you want your wordlist file in text format run this command on your terminal

crunch 3 6 0123456789 -o list.txt

Explanation of command :

crunch <min> <max> <charset> -o <output in text file>

  • min : It is the minimum password length.
  • max : It is the maximum password length. 
  • charset: Character se to be used. 
  • o : Output in a textfile. along with name of the text file.




Step 4: Creating  Custom Wordlist With Letters, Symbols, and Numbers.

This Step is for Mixed with  letters, Symbols, Numbers and creating a custom wordlist Run this command on Your terminal

crunch 4 8 123abcdefgh#$% -o list2.txt

crunch <min> <max> <charset> -o <output in text file>

  • min : It is the minimum password length.
  • max : It is the maximum password length.
  • charset: Character se to be used.
  • -o : Output in a textfile. along with name of the text file.


Create Custom Wordlists Using Crunch in Kali Linux

In order to crack a password, we have to try a lot of passwords to get the right one. When an attacker uses thousands or millions of words or character combinations to crack a password, there is no surety that any of those combinations will work. This collection of different combinations of characters is called a wordlist. And in order to crack a password or a hash, we need to have a good wordlist that could break the password. So to do so, we have a tool in kali Linux called crunch.

Crunch, a wordlist generating tool that comes pre-installed with Kali Linux. It is used to create custom keywords based on wordlists. It generates a wordlist with permutations and combinations. We could use some specific patterns and symbols to generate a wordlist. 

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What is Crunch?

Crunch is a wordlist that generates a utility used to create a wordlist using numbers, letters, and symbols. Mostly Hackers, Penetration testers use this tool to create passwords. The crunch comes pre-installed In Kali Linux....