Zero Vector (Null Vector)

Define Zero Vectors.

A zero vector, denoted as 0, is a special point in space where all components are precisely zero.

What is Null Vector?

A null vector, also known as a zero vector, is a vector with all its components equal to zero.

Do Two Null Vectors have Same Direction?

Since, the direction of null vector is undefined hence the direction of two null vectors can’t be decided whether they are same or not

How Do You Find the Zero Vectors?

To find the zero vector, we multiply the vector from a vector space with scalar 0.

What is Difference between Zero Vector and Zero Scalar?

Zero Vector has magnitude equal to zero value in vector space that is it still has direction but undefined while zero scalar has magnitude zero and no direction

Zero Vector

Zero Vectors are the vectors with all its components zero. A zero vector or a null vector is defined as a vector in space with a magnitude equal to 0 and an undefined direction. The zero-vector symbol for three-dimensional space is given by [Tex]\overrightarrow{\rm 0} [/Tex] = (0, 0, 0), and the zero-vector symbol for two-dimensional space is given by [Tex]\overrightarrow{\rm 0} [/Tex] = (0, 0).

In this article, we will learn about zero vectors with zero vector definition, zero vector symbol, properties of zero vectors, and, the significance of zero vectors.

Table of Content

  • What is Zero Vector (Null Vector)?
  • Zero Vector Explanation
  • Properties of Zero Vector (Null Vector)
  • Significance of Zero Vector (Null Vector)
  • Solved Examples

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