Best Tips To Become a Successful Intrapreneur

1. Be Proactive

Make things happen rather than wait for them to happen – get stuff done, take initiative, and move faster than your peers. If you are proactive, things will start turning out actively for you.

2. Be Transparent About What You Know and Be Coachable For Things You Don’t

One of the key competencies to adapt is to be transparent – in owning up to your strengths and weaknesses, accepting the mistake that you may make, and in seeking help when needed.

3. Be a Problem Solver, Not Just a Task Owner

If you are proactive, you will start to find ways to solve a problem rather than ticking off some items on your checklist. Yes, there will be tasks you’d have to complete but that doesn’t mean you keep limited to that and not work on assisting the company on a larger scale.

4. Be a Leader and a Manager

Guide your team with the right principles, leading by setting an example and managing them when they try. Being results-driven is important, and so is being an effective team player. So invite input, be collaborative and engage the team at every step of the way.

5. Be Nice and Do Good

Humility goes a long way. Walking the talk, and doing good to and for others are some of the traits you need to hone to be an intrapreneur. Ultimately, your goal will be to drive progress, and you can get that done faster with support from others. To gain that support, you need to earn credibility which begins and ends with humility.

Why You Should Become an Intrapreneur?

Times at workplaces have changed, demanding a lot more than the status quo from every employee. The job roles have evolved to be more agile and dynamic. Companies want entrepreneurs as their candidates, therefore, all the job descriptions you now read have one or all of the keywords, ‘entrepreneurial’, ‘swiss-army knife’, ‘dynamic’, ‘jack of all trades’, etc.

What does this tell you? How are you preparing yourself to be in power with the top performers and deliver what is anticipated of you? Does this mean these companies expect you to know how to run your own company within their company or willing to bet your resources and income on a project?



Earlier, the word ‘entrepreneurs’ were synonymous with the maestros like Google, Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft since they introduced the world to exciting things and altered the business landscape. But today, ‘entrepreneur’ isn’t just limited to that and definitely, you do not need to own a business to alter the landscape or be entrepreneurial. And here the terms like ‘Intrapreneurs‘ and ‘Intrapreneurship‘ comes into the picture!

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