What are Intrapreneurs?

An entrepreneur inside a company is called an Intrapreneur. More specifically, an intrapreneur is an employee having entrepreneurial skills and is primarily tasked with developing an innovative idea or product within a company. Though these intrapreneurs are provided with the required resources and capabilities for the project, by the employers. Let us tell you that the term ‘intrapreneur’ is a made-up word with two general terms – internal and entrepreneur. The term is getting popular day by day in the organizational sector and various leading companies like Google, Microsoft, etc. are offering intrapreneurial programs.

While all can not become entrepreneurs but can become an intrapreneur. Plus almost every entrepreneur was once an intrapreneur too.

How? Any employee who possesses the traits of an entrepreneur – who are leaders from the beginning, who can think outside the box, devise and execute a strategy end-to-end and who are willing to take calculated risks – is an intrapreneur.

In today’s time, being an intrapreneur can spearhead your career in the right direction, providing you with opportunities that are suited for your journey.

While this sounds like a clear win-win for an employer and employee, let us still present a case to you on the magnitudes of benefits Intrapreneurship can provide.

Why You Should Become an Intrapreneur?

Times at workplaces have changed, demanding a lot more than the status quo from every employee. The job roles have evolved to be more agile and dynamic. Companies want entrepreneurs as their candidates, therefore, all the job descriptions you now read have one or all of the keywords, ‘entrepreneurial’, ‘swiss-army knife’, ‘dynamic’, ‘jack of all trades’, etc.

What does this tell you? How are you preparing yourself to be in power with the top performers and deliver what is anticipated of you? Does this mean these companies expect you to know how to run your own company within their company or willing to bet your resources and income on a project?



Earlier, the word ‘entrepreneurs’ were synonymous with the maestros like Google, Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft since they introduced the world to exciting things and altered the business landscape. But today, ‘entrepreneur’ isn’t just limited to that and definitely, you do not need to own a business to alter the landscape or be entrepreneurial. And here the terms like ‘Intrapreneurs‘ and ‘Intrapreneurship‘ comes into the picture!

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What are Intrapreneurs?

An entrepreneur inside a company is called an Intrapreneur. More specifically, an intrapreneur is an employee having entrepreneurial skills and is primarily tasked with developing an innovative idea or product within a company. Though these intrapreneurs are provided with the required resources and capabilities for the project, by the employers. Let us tell you that the term ‘intrapreneur’ is a made-up word with two general terms – internal and entrepreneur. The term is getting popular day by day in the organizational sector and various leading companies like Google, Microsoft, etc. are offering intrapreneurial programs....

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